Question title : Mehdi
Work order Number : YQPM15946430890
Work order type : 入门
Submission time : 2022-05-31 21:55:41
Work order status : 完成
Contact information : Email
Contact information : dez******ue@yahoo.com

Communication record

  • 问题描述:
    EC200UCNAA QuecPython firmware doesn't have QuecGNSS enabled. I have two EC200UCNAA-N05-SGNSA modules. Both with EC200UCNAAR02A01M08 firmware. I flashed one with QPY_V0001_EC200U_CNAA_FW and QPY_V0002_EC200U_CNAA_FW firmware and in both cases, the internal GNSS seems to be disabled, although it is said to be supported. Here is the log ATI Quectel EC200U Revision: EC200UCNAAR02A01M08_OCPU_PY OK AT+QGPSCFG="gnssconfig",5 +CME ERROR: 58 AT+QGPSCFG="*togps",1 +CME ERROR: 58 The same result would happen when I use QuecGNSS method in QuecPython and nothing is shown in ret*n.
  • chic.ye : 已收到您的工单,我们将会尽快安排人手进行处理。
    2022-06-01 10:07:37
  • chic.ye :


    The test is normal

    2022-06-01 10:08:13

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