Question title : Data to send Bluetooth
Work order Number : YB1448883573000
Work order type : 其他
Submission time : 2022-12-01 14:58:04
Work order status : 完成
Contact information : Email
Contact information : nav******rpalanivel37@gmail.com

Communication record

  • 问题描述:
    But we are run the python file to the Android phone cannot run. we are also try to bluetooth classic library it result import bt error. Any proced*e to run the BLE_Chinc code.If you have any document kindly share with us.
  • chic.ye : 已收到您的工单,我们将会尽快安排人手进行处理。
    2022-12-01 20:58:23
  • chic.ye :

    Mobile phone can not run Python code, can use APP software

    2022-12-01 20:58:28

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