问题标题 : LVGL for EC200U
工单编号 : RKWEO6801332989 工单类型 : 需求 提交时间 : 2022-10-05 18:50:17 工单状态 : 完成
联系方式 : 邮件 联系信息 : dezdeepblue@yahoo.com
问题描述: Regarding LVGL for EC200U, I've contacted and replied to Chic Ye, and was informed that with o* * needs, LVGL, VoLTE, *dio, and BLE cannot be used together due to lack of RAM memory. I made adjustments to o* * needs in the email to make room for LVGL but didn't get a reply. So with this, I want to ask again for clarification: 1) Can we use LVGL + *dio call (without VoLTE), (no *dio pl*back), and (no BLE)? 2) How about LVGL + *dio Call (without VoLTE), (no *dio pl*back) + BLE? 3) If the answer to both is negative, what is the solution provided by Quectel for these requirements? EC600N + L76x? BTW, is there any online known community for Quecpython so that we can follow the problem there? Other than here and forums.quectel.com of co*se. Discord? Thank you
客服 - chic.ye : 已收到您的工单,我们将会尽快安排人手进行处理。 2022-10-05 22:13:04
客服 - chic.ye :

Official Website addresshttps://python.quectel.com/

Wiki address of official websitehttps://python.quectel.com/wiki/#/. You can check all APIs that supported by module.

Document addresshttps://python.quectel.com/doc/, which includes Quick-start, Common interfaces development, Development improvement and Simple tests.

Address for downloading development resourceshttps://python.quectel.com/download, which includes development tool, driver, FW and Referential HW design.

QuecPython Community link :https://forums.quectel.com/c/quecpython/66

LVGL firmware after adjusting the requirements is under internal evaluation, and I will reply to you as soon as I come to work normally

EC600N + L76K is to do what kind of products, which application scenarios


2022-10-05 22:15:10