问题标题 : QuecGNSS for EC200U
工单编号 : PYRX95495911500 工单类型 : 需求 提交时间 : 2021-10-17 19:38:12 工单状态 : 完成
联系方式 : 邮件 联系信息 : dezdeepblue@yahoo.com
问题描述: How to use QuecGNSS module in QuecPython for EC200U? Where is the document for this module API? It has these methods: init -- read -- get_state -- gnssEnable -- I don't know how the gnssEnable(param1, param2) works. It alw*s ret*ns -1 for me. There is a GNSS module that seems to be placed for parsing external GNSS data. Would you provide the API and docs for that too?
客服 - david.tang : 已收到您的工单,我们将会尽快安排人手进行处理。 2021-10-18 09:04:39
客服 - david.tang :

for EC200U-CN family, just EC200UCNLB support GNSS ,The following connection details how to use GNSS: https://python.quectel.com/wiki/#/en-us/api/QuecPythonClasslib?id=gnss-navigation-positioning-and-timing.

2021-10-18 09:10:58
用户 :

I think something is misunderstood. I'm asking for API for the internal GNSS of EC200UCN. I'm s*e my module has internal GNSS as it could be used through AT command.

I can see the QuecGNSS module (beside GNSS module and its methods) and its methods (using *() and dir() commands) but couldn't make it work.

2021-10-18 12:23:03
客服 - david.tang :

For EC200U-CN family, because the module has internal GNSS,so that it could be used through AT command. But for QuecPython(This is a development method different from AT command. You need to download QuecPython firmware into the module), even if the module has internal GNSS, but there is no corresponding QuecPython firmware or the QuecPython firmware does not support this GNSS function, you can only use AT command.

For EC200U-CN family, only EC200UCNLB supports QuecPython development, and this module can only be used in China and India.

2021-10-18 13:24:56